
“Pocketing Power: Joe Biden’s Latino Outreach Campaign”

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign has received a boost from the deep pockets of a new group that has launched an outreach campaign aimed at Latino voters. The Latino Unity PAC, an organization whose mission is “to impact policy through political education and political operatives,” announced it would “begin educating, registering, and mobilizing Hispanic-Latino voters to support the Biden-Harris ticket in 2020.”

The group is made up of leaders from the Latino community, including president Esperanza Martinez, former chairwoman of the League of United Latin American Citizens, and Sylvia Renteria, CEO of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

The launch of the new Hispanic-Latino voter outreach campaign coincides with the release of a new Biden ad spot directed at Latino voters. The ad, entitled “You Matter to Us,” features Biden encouraging citizens to vote for him and his running mate Kamala Harris.

In addition to running ads, the PAC will be ramping up an effort to organize local events where potential voters can access information resources and voter registration forms. They hope to target 1 million new Latino voters over the course of the 2020 campaign.

Given the potential for a big impact on the final election outcome, the PAC highlights the magnitude of its role in swaying Latino votes. As Martinez said, “We are at a critical juncture where we can make history by ensuring that our Latino and Hispanic votes are counted.”

It seems that with Biden showing an increased focus on the Latino voter, having a unified effort by the Latino Unity PAC to help reach this key demographic could be a game-changer for the election.