
Humans Flirting with Extinction? Earth To Become Uninhabitable Due to Supercontinent Formation, Study Warns

A recently published study suggests that the formation of a new supercontinent on Earth could potentially lead to an uninhabitable climate and the eventual wiping out of humans. The study states that the formation of a supercontinent could trigger an increase in albedo—the amount of sunlight reflected by surfaces—which could lead to drastic changes in global temperatures.

The research, conducted by a team of experts from the University of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh, suggests that this new supercontinent would affect the planet’s wind and ocean circulation patterns. This disruption in the patterns could lead to elongated dry seasons, higher sea levels, and the eventual collapse of the global ecosystem.

The study pushes further to suggest that this new supercontinent could become a self-sustaining feedback loop if the temperatures were to rise so high they would cause the polar regions to melt, weakens the ocean currents, and cause further temperature increases. If this were to happen, the planet would become an inhospitable place for humans.

The study proposes further that the formation of this supercontinent could occur within the next tens of millions years set off by the natural forces of plate tectonics.

However, some conditions may be able to delay or speed up the process. Climate change, caused by humans, is likely one of these conditions and the study pushes for the need of renewable energies for Earth to have sufficient time to adjust before the potentially devastating supercontinent forms.