
Unlock Untapped Potential with Nevada Sunrise: Testing the Gemini Lithium Project’s Lithium-Mineralized Clays for Super Critical Carbon Dioxide Extraction!

Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp. has provided additional drill samples of lithium-mineralized clay from its Gemini Lithium project in Nevada, to a strategically chosen partner for testing a potential new form of green extraction technology—super critical carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction. This novel approach has the potential to revolutionize the lithium extraction industry by reducing costs and environmental impact.

The samples supplied to the partner from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp. were taken from the Gemini Lithium project, which was recently acquired in Nevada by the company. The samples were collected using reverse circulation (RC) drilling. Prior to testing with the proposed method of CO2 extraction, the lithium-enriched clays were initially processed through a X-Ray Diffraction spectrometer. The results of this process identified lithium bearing minerals, clays, and other associated elements.

Using the CO2 extraction process, the lithium-bearing materials will be extracted from the clays and collected for evaluation of their potential economic value. The process uses pressurized super critical CO2, which is heated beyond its normal boiling point to allow the safe extraction of minerals and other elements.

The CO2 extraction process has been used to extract various minerals in the past, such as gold, silver, and copper. However, it has never been used for lithium extraction before. If successful, the process could offer a way to revolutionize the lithium extraction industry, from both an environmental and economic perspective.

The results of the CO2 extraction test on the Gemini Lithium project from Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp. are anticipated later this year. If successful, the process could provide a safer, more cost-efficient method of extracting lithium, while simultaneously helping to reduce the environmental impact of the industry.